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Smailes Goldie celebrates outstanding success at East Yorkshire Apprenticeship Awards 2024

27 September 2024

Trainees from one of Hull’s leading accountancy firms, Smailes Goldie, have picked up top honours at the prestigious East Yorkshire Apprenticeship Awards 2024.

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Held at the MKM Stadium, this event was a shining moment for the firm and a testament to its ongoing commitment to developing the next generation of accountants.

Two of Smailes Goldie’s exceptional trainees, Rebecca Clark and Tom Reeves, were shortlisted for the Degree Apprentice Award and both received Special Recognition Certificates for their dedication and hard work.

In the Professional Services Apprentice category, Jasmine Ullyott, Toby Rackley, and Tom Reeves were shortlisted – with Jasmine taking home the award.

Toby and Tom also demonstrated their excellence to this year’s judges, each receiving Special Recognition Certificates in this category.

In addition to celebrating its talented apprentices, Smailes Goldie was delighted to share in the success of its training provider, First Intuition, which won the coveted Training Provider of the Year award.

First Intuition’s exceptional guidance and support has been instrumental in the success of the firm’s trainees.

“We are thrilled with the success of our trainees at this year’s East Yorkshire Apprenticeship Awards,” said Luke Taylor, Training Partner at Smailes. “Their achievements demonstrate the hard work and talent that we’re proud to foster within our firm.

“Our commitment to investing in young professionals is stronger than ever, and this recognition shows just how far we have all come.

“Congratulations to all our trainees and a big thank you to First Intuition for their incredible support.”

These awards follow hot on the heels of another incredible accomplishment. Smailes Goldie was recently ranked number six nationally in the Top 50 UK SME Apprenticeship Awards 2024 – placing them ahead of some of the country’s largest and most successful organisations.

This reflects the firm’s dedication to providing outstanding training opportunities and nurturing the future of the accountancy profession.

Luke added: “As we continue to grow, we’re also excited to welcome 17 new trainees who have started their accountancy career journey with us this year.

“Their arrival marks another milestone in our ongoing mission to provide opportunities for ambitious individuals and develop the future leaders of the accounting industry.”

To find out more about training and career opportunities at Smailes Goldie, please visit: