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Beal managers recognised in housebuilding industry awards

26 June 2024

Two Beal Homes managers have been recognised for the exceptional quality of their work with prestigious housebuilding industry awards. 

Jason Amies 1

Danny Towle and Jason Amies have both been awarded Quality Awards in the National House Building Council (NHBC) Pride in the Job Awards.

Running for more than 40 years, the awards are the benchmark for site managers across the UK, and recognise leadership and quality of workmanship. 

The awards are the latest accolades for East Yorkshire-based Beal, which is delivering a series of high-quality developments in Hull, East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

With 20 years of industry experience, Danny joined the Beal team six years ago as a Home Finisher and worked his way up to managing the Bishop’s Green development in Welton, Lincolnshire, where he is leading the team delivering a prestigious development of 350 luxury new homes. 

Danny said: “It still feels surreal that I’ve won. I’m on cloud nine. 

“I’ve always had a very strong work ethic and believe that working hard pays off, which is something I’ve instilled in the team, so winning this award feels like recognition for the effort we all put in every day. 

“I think the awards show the high standard that Beal sets for all of its staff, and the commitment from the whole team to delivering new homes and developments of exceptional quality.”

Jason Amies has worked as a site manager in the construction industry for over 20 years and has been with Beal Homes for five years. 

He is currently Site Manager at the Turpin’s Chase development in picturesque Welton, East Yorkshire, where Beal is building 52 new family homes.  

Jason said: “It feels really good to have won such a prestigious award, especially as it has been such a rigorous judging process. 

“It’s a real team effort and winning this award has only been possible because of the effort of the whole team and their high quality workmanship.” 

Judging for the Pride in the Job Quality Awards is rigorous, with each site manager being assessed by fellow housebuilding industry professionals across six key areas – consistency; attention to detail; leadership; interpretation of drawings and specifications; technical expertise; and health and safety.

Beal Construction Director Andy Devine said: “We’re extremely proud that Danny and Jason have been recognised for their leadership and the vital role they and their teams are playing in delivering the exceptional quality that Beal Homes are renowned for.

“All of our team members share a commitment to providing our customers with homes of outstanding quality, so it’s great to see this being recognised by industry peers.”

The Quality Award winners will now go on to compete for Seal of Excellence and Regional Awards in the autumn, with the national Supreme Award winners revealed in January 2025. 

It’s the second successive year that family-run Beal has been recognised in the Pride in the Job Awards. Last year Phil Evenden, Site Manager at Beal’s West Hill II development in Kirk Ella, East Yorkshire, was among the winners.