Hull Community & Voluntary Services Ltd (Hull CVS)
We are a local charity which supports charities, community groups and social enterprises (VCSE) to maximise their potential and enhance the work they do, as well as supporting local people into volunteering.
We were established over 40 years ago and have supported thousands of charitable organisations in that time, becoming a trusted source of guidance and advice for start-ups and long-established charitable organisations.
We are also Hull’s only accredited Volunteer Centre helping people with their volunteer journey via our Time2Volunteer Website and raising the standards of volunteering with our Volunteer Managers and Coordinators Network.
We are focused on helping VCSE organisations to grow and make an even bigger difference to the communities they serve via the Sector Connect Hull Service. Sector Connect Hull assists groups with policy and procedures, offering training, improving the sectors voice and influence and ensuring they are commission/grants ready.
Via the Time2Volunteer website and along with local partners, we are raising the standards of volunteer management and developing better pathways for private and public corporate volunteering with the VCSE sector.
Furthermore, we are developing our Grants Management offer to ensure we can support more trusts and organisations in providing funding to charities and offering support to businesses who need advice and guidance in developing relevant and targeted corporate responsibility policies.
We are keen to work with businesses across the region to maximise the opportunities for VCSE organisations and look for mutually beneficial long term relations between the sectors. This in turn will see more efficient and effective support for the VCSE sector including training, mentorship, advice, volunteers and in some case financial.